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'No job' icons everywhere

Started by MyFlagshipCity, July 16, 2017, 10:54:41 AM

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This is a city that I started from scratch (no neighbors) on a small tile in a plain region I created.

What I did was that I had these 'no job' zots everywhere (see above), I paused and built some extra zones (only R$ and R$$ had demand, industry had negative demand), and most of the zots disappeared for a while, but soon returned to what it was before.

Can I have some help on this?


I'm assuming this is a connected city to a larger region? So the demands are all regional, which is hard to get a picture of from this screenshot. But if I had to guess, I'd say despite demand for Res, you might have the wrong wealth residential buildings to meet demands. I.e. the R$ which has grown are not needed, but only R$ can grow because the land value/services of this city won't yet support higher wealths. Perhaps it's a more general problem with regional demands though, i.e. the sims here simply can't get to a job within the time period the simulator allows.

If you don't have it installed, I can highly recommend installing the NAM. The original pathfinder from Maxis is very poorly optimised, to the point you could call it broken. The NAM includes a vastly more optimised version of it and a number of other important fixes, without which such problems are more likely. Whilst the NAM is a huge complex mod if you want it to be, you can simply install the simulator and fixes if that's not for you.


If you don't already have it, I would recommend this:  https://archive.org/details/SimCity_4_Rush_Hour_Prima_Official_eGuide.  I would recommend downloading the PDF version so you always have it available.

It isn't perfect, and it does have some proven errors.  But if you don't take everything as absolute gospel, it does give you a very good overall picture of all the different moving parts that go into growing a city.


Well, I downloaded the NAM last night, finally after months of laziness....


Thank you very much, i used to have the same problem and now i can solve it!! Finally i can play without that problem haha  :bnn: :bnn:
Estoy encantada de estar aquí porque la verdad es que me encanta de verdad Simcity, creo que es el mejor juego y el único que consigue eliminar mis sintomas ansiedad y seguro que a muchos de vosotros también os pasa así que estoy encantada por ello y por jugar a simcity siempre que puedo